1. 参考文献
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[2] Kangping Liao, Wenyang Duan, Qingwei Ma, et al., A Coupled Potential-Viscous Flow Method for Wave Impact on Semi-Submersible Platform Simulation, Proceedings of the 37th OMAE (No. OMAE2018-78311), June 17-22, 2018, Madrid,
[3] Kangping Liao, Wenyang Duan, Qingwei Ma, et al., Numerical Simulation of Green Water on Deck with a Hybrid Eulerian-Lagrangian Method. Proceedings of 32nd Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Aug. 5-10, 2018, Hamburg, Germany.
[4] Kangping Liao, Wenyang Duan, Qingwei Ma, et al., Numerical Analysis of Wave Impact Loads on Semi-Submersible Platform, Proceedings of the 36th OMAE (No. OMAE2017-62464), June 25-30, 2017, Trondheim, Norway.
[5] Kangping Liao, Changhong Hu, Makoto Sueyoshi, Free surface flow impacting on an elastic structure: experiment versus numerical simulation. Applied Ocean Research, Vol.50: 192-208, 2015
[6] 多核并行高性能计算:OpenMP/雷洪,胡许冰编著.北京:冶金工业出版社,2016.5
[7] FORTRAN90程序设计/马瑞民,衣治安主编-2版.哈尔滨:哈尔滨工程大学出版社.
[8] 海洋工程水动力学/Molin.北京:国防工业出版社,2010.
2. 研究团队:
3. 实用工具
STAR-CCM+,Gambit,Paraview,StarCCM, Fluent